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Hi! I'm Jane.

I’m a writer and journalist living in Seattle.


My work appears in publications like Slate, High Country News, WIRED, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Scientific American, Outside, and The Atlantic, as well as in The Open Notebook's anthology The Craft of Science Writing. I'm the acting science and climate editor at High Country News and I write The Microdose, a twice-weekly newsletter about psychedelics.


I'm currently the chair of The Open Notebook's board and a member of the board of the National Association of Science Writers. I've also taught health journalism at the CUNY Newmark School of Journalism and science writing at the University of Washington.


My favorite stories almost always include some combination of the following: nuance, the outdoors, a mystery, an understudied or difficult-to-study phenomenon, FOIA-ing, a dog, examination of inequity, grifts, or unintended consequences of modern technology.


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